Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Presidential Candidates

Although I do enjoy the Dems beating each other up left and right, I cannot stomach the ick that oozes from the wounds. The filth, the lies and the elitism that runs rampant through this campaign is of heroic proportions.

Hillary has put out her "First 100 Days in Office" plan. Tighten your safety belt because here we go (I have her plan and then following is my version of the result):

  1. Immediate troop withdrawls from Iraq - Iraq implodes, USA gets attacked by extremists fresh from the strip clubs
  2. Roll back the Bush tax cuts - You think gas costs are bad? Wait until the tax cuts go away.
  3. Un-veto bills for stem cell research - More government spending is needed. We should make nothing private or "for profit". That would be...capitalistic of us.
  4. Government funded health care for citizens - Citizens of the US. Open your wallets and say "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh". I am not sure I want to be a "citizen". In this connotation is sounds like I would be part of a master race. Oh wait, I think that is what she is after.
  5. Close Gitmo - Perfect. Now we can treat our captured enemy combantants to a scone and Starbucks at the Waldorf.

All this in the first 100 days. Wow...dare to dream.

Obama bin Laden - Michael Gerson, Op-Ed Columnist from the Washington Post wrote exactly how I feel on March 5th of this year. You can read it here. Please read it...

Basically if either of these two makes it into the White House we are doomed. Hillary and Bill will once again rule the land under sex, lies and videotape (and no, the sex would not be between Hillary and Bill).

I am not sure we would ever see Obama as when he is not sipping Champaign with the upper echelon, he will be jet setting in Iran having milk and cookies with Ahmadinejad.

Good luck America...we are going to need it.

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