Monday, December 20, 2010

Darkest Day in 372 Years

The lunar eclipse will happen Tuesday morning at 12:33am Central Time (tomorrow). The full process will take about 4 hours and should end around 4am Central Time.  So why is this the Darkest Day in 372 Years?  The last eclipse to fall on the Winter Solstice (which this is and which is also the shortest day of the year) was in 1638.  I am not sure but I doubt many of you were around to see that one so this is a bit of history for us all.

Things to accomplish during this time:
  1. Locate the moon (hint: it's in the sky above you)
  2. Around 1:41am the whole moon should be covered.
  3. Now is the time to start your freakish rituals and consume...well...what you need to consume.
  4. Dress like Barney the dinosaur and call yourself pretty in purple.
  5. Violent rituals have also taken place during lunar eclipses.  Do what you will but I do not recommend it.
So around 4am you should be completely spent after all the fun you have had torturing small animals or dressing as your favorite cartoon character to appease the gods (gods of what I am not quite sure).


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