Friday, October 31, 2008

Norm Coleman, Al Franken and CREW...oh my...

Al Frankens newest ad has really gotten the dander up of the Coleman campaign and from what I have read they have good reason to be upset. Here is why:

The ad says that a bi-partisan watchdog group has named Coleman the 4th most corrupt politician in Washington. The "bi-partisan" group is C.R.E.W. or Citizens for Responsibilty and Ethics in Washington. The term "bi-partisan" is used rather loosely.

The board members at CREW are as follows:

All six board members at CREW contribute regularly to the (D)'s. This is not bi-partisan in any way, shape or form.

Melanie Sloan (in an interview on the CREW website) states: "We have no ties to the Franken campaign," she said. "When Franken was on Air America, I did appear on his program as did other people." This is true. Many people did go on Frankens program. She was on there more than 50 times (Minnesota Democrats Exposed website).

Now, yes, MDE obviously has their own agenda and it is not pro Democrat. Why I mentioned this is because on MDE's site, they list out all 50 links to the radio shows Sloan and Frankin had together. When you click on them...the CREW website locks you out. Someone trying to hide something?

Check out the site listing all the radio appearances: These appearances are from October 2005 through February 2007. Almost once a week. The "I did appear on his program" statment seems a bit understated.

Read this blog that focuses on Sloan's response to Norm Colemans lawsuit:

So...if "fourth most corrupt" is, as Sloan puts it, "isn't exactly accurate", then who here is lying?

Norm Coleman has filed a defamation suit at this time. I should say so. I just hope he sticks with the suit whether he wins or loses on Tuesday.

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