Monday, October 09, 2006

I understand there are some new readers to my site. No one visits much...I think. I am really not looking for millions of people to read it, I just want whomever does read it to enjoy it. That is really what it is all about...isn't it?

So...on that note...

iTunes is a pain. Truly. I buy music, I store it on my PC and then want to make an MP3 disk of it. Easy enough? I am sure this is new to no one but it still gets my undies in a bunch (some times multiple bunches). In order to make this MP3 disk I need to burn an audio CD (waste of a good CD), then rip it back to iTunes (more of my time gone...bye bye..see ya later) and then burn a new MP3 disk (another CD). I am out $.59.

I know. It's not much but it is my time. Apple...U SUK. More protectionism in this world is not something I need from Apple. I get enough from our government. Protect me from myself so I do not self destruct. Does anyone really think that protecting me from creating an MP3 is really going to solve the worlds issues? Didn't North Korea just set off a nuke? Protect me from them and leave me to my MP3's.

I know...copyright laws and all that. I paid $.99 for that song! I should be able to drop kick it into a bucket of water if I feel like it.

What smells? Rotten APPLE. That's what smells.

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